Thai Nikken Foods



Spray Drier

All of our products make use of local ingredients from Thailand and are Halal-certified.

Do need a specific raw material in powdered form?
Thai Nikken Foods’ spray dryer can extract water from liquids (extracts, etc.) instantaneously,
creating a concentrated powder ready for use.
We strive to meet the needs of our customers, providing OEM services for drying and pulverizing
and pulverizing almost any raw material. We look forward to your inquiries.
Thai Nikken is also equipped with blenders for both powders and liquids.
We offer OEM services for manufacturing blended powder and blended liquid products.

Strength of Thai Nikken

Raw ingredients can be processed before powderization.

Cooking pan

Nikken Foods is equipped to manufacture a wide range of products including vegetable sauce,
roasted soy sauce paste, and oil products.